Neurodevelopmental Disorders & Chiropractic
You might have been told that your child’s neurodevelopmental disorder might be caused by a chemical imbalance or genetics and given drugs to treat the symptoms. But if you are reading this, I suspect you don’t consider that as really improved – but merely medicated into submission.
Chiropractors are a determined subset of doctors who are passionate and determined to seek out and apply the combination of natural solutions that have proven effective in dramatically improving the health of children by addressing the causes at their root levels. If you are ready to try our approach, you are sure to enter a whole new world of understanding about neurodevelopmental disorders.
How does chiropractic help neurodevelopmental disorders
Many neurodevelopmental disorders are sensory processing disorders. The nervous system of children with these disorders struggle to receive and respond appropriately to sensory information. Children with these disorders often have delayed development, improper responses to tasks, difficulty focusing or sitting still, forgetfulness, tantrums, colic, digestive issues, asthma, allergies, and more.
In fact, the most common neurodevelopmental disorder is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), with an estimated 6 million children ages 3 to 17 years having ever been diagnosed, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). A child with ADHD is often overstimulated. This causes exhaustion. As a defense mechanism, the body overworks the musculoskeletal system. This results in such symptoms as attention difficulties, hyperactivity, and impulsiveness.
Chiropractors are professionals who can identify and address nervous system disorders in kids. Often, misalignments in the spine can significantly affect the nervous system of a child. These misalignments are caused by daily physical, chemical, and mental stressors. Research has found that learning disorders and dyslexia affect 3-10% of school-aged children. They have parts of the brain that are not functioning adequately or are delayed in their development. The only source of constant stimulation to the brain comes from the spine and its postular muscles constantly adjusting to the force of gravity. When there is subluxation in the spine the communication between the brain and the nervous system is disrupted. These misalignments lead to obstruction of the nerves, and it is this obstruction, called vertebral subluxations, that chiropractors correct. The results of regular chiropractic adjustments in children are improvement in learning, social skills and interpersonal skills, sensory integration, and overall health.
Some researchers believe that the increase in the diagnosis of such disorders as autism, ADHD, pervasive developmental disorders, Tourette’s Syndrome, obsessive compulsive disorders and other neurodevelopmental disorders, have their root in a “perfect storm” of spinal subluxations or abnormal spinal development. That is why it is important to have infants and children checked by a chiropractor so that these abnormalities can be detected and corrected. However, many parents don’t take their child to a chiropractor until these symptoms become present. The good news is that it is never to late.
Our wholistic approach to neurodevelopmental disorders
Aside from regular chiropractic adjustments to correct vertebral subluxations, we perform Functional Neurological tests (sensory, Motor Strength & Coordination, Joint Motion, Primitive Reflexes, Eye Movement) and Functional Lab Tests to address deficiencies and remove irritants and toxins from the child’s diet. We incorporate all the most appropriate treatment for each individual. Usually, we go through a course of treatment of 8-20 weeks more intensively: usually 2-3x per week of in-office treatments, reinforced by home therapy at least 1 time per day and nutritional supplementation at least 2 times per day.
Gabriel, age 11
“When Gabriel first came to see Dr. Hobbs, he was having trouble sleeping and staying focused.
The treatment he received included various brain exercises and spinal adjustments to help his brain and nervous system connection.
With his treatment, Gabriel seems more mature and aware of things that will harm him. He can maintain focus for longer periods of time, maintain interest and stay on topic, he is even sleeping!!! He no longer needs Melatonin: he can put himself to sleep. He even seems to get tired (which he has NEVER been able to do on his own).
In addition, his eating habits have improved. He has less of an appetite and less need for snacks. His self-control towards food prior to starting treatment was ravenous.
His eczema on his arms has reduced but still has some bumps.
…and most recently, during his IEP triennial review ADD was removed because he can self-regulate and it is no longer impairing his learning! He is reading at grade level and has made so much progress!”
Is Chiropractic care for you or your family
Everyone can benefit from chiropractic care. If you or someone in your family would like to start this healing journey, please give us a call at (559) 635-8266 to schedule your New Patient appointment with us today.
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Feature article: 6 Steps to A Stress-free Holiday

- Chemical / Nutritional
- Neuromotor Development
- Academic / Learning / Teaching – not thoroughly addressed in our facility
When you combine these three together well, amazing improvements can be seen. BUT, you must be committed, as a family, to address all aspects for the best results.
There are 2 ways we approach helping kids with autism and ADHD.
- Medical/Health care –
- Thorough sensory motor exam (as much as is reasonable with the child), and
- Nutritional testing lab work for deficiencies, toxicities, and food sensitivities. In this scenario, we often dig deep into the
biochemical/nutritional problems
- Neuro-Enrichment program – This program is typically limited to children with ADHD, and higher functioning autism. (The kids need
to be able to follow directions.) This assessment AND the program involve:
- Finding and ‘exercising’ of sensory and motor deficits (in a hemisphere and deficit-specific approach),
- Finding and correcting deficiencies, toxicities, and food sensitivities (using the Triad Profile by Metametrix)
- Academic/cognitive testing(using the WIAT test) and training that is hemisphere and deficit-specific
We provide more information on the Neuro-Enrichment program in our parent workshops. Teachers and nurses are welcome.
RESEARCH study: This is a pilot study (~100 children) going through a program dramatically similar to the Neuro-Enrichment program
we will be starting.
The effect of hemisphere specific remediation strategies on the academic performance outcome of children with ADD/ADHD.
Below you will find an overview of our approach to treating neurodevelopmental disorders
ADHD, Autism, and other Learning Disorders are not being diagnosed or treated adequately.
So, let’s fill in the gaps with answers:
How to locate the CAUSE of the symptoms and treat the CAUSE, not the SYMPTOMS.
These problems are common and Autism, ADHD, Dyslexia, and other Neurodevelopmental disorders starting in childhood and
many similarities, especially as it relates to their causes.
The CDC estimates that in 2006, 1 in every 110 children in the United States have an Autistic Spectrum Disorder. These children are 4-5 times more likely to be boys.
Autism and ADHD have MANY similarities at their core, and even in the categories of symptoms, but they are to a different degree at their core.
“Results indicated that oppositional defiant behaviors appeared the most important comorbid problems of ADHD, followed by autistic traits, and than followed by motor coordination problems, anxiety, and reading problems.(J Abnorm Child Psychol. 2009 Aug;37(6):793-804.)
We have carefully demonstrated the true CAUSE of these conditions and how each cause could be helped.
- Sensory-Motor Problems — “…preschool boys with ADHD-C should be examined and treated for sensory-motor disabilities.” (Psychiatry Clin Neurosci. 2006 Feb;60(1):37-45)
- Malnourishment – “Malnourished children performed poor on tests of attention, working memory, learning and memory, and visuospatial ability.” (Behavioral and Brain Functions 2008, 4:31)
- Genetics that are modifiable
- Brain Imbalance – (Clin Neurophysiol. 2007 Jun;118(6):1286-90
- Functional Disconnection (in the brain) – (Biological Psychiatry 2010 (online) – accepted Nov 11, 2009
>> To prevent these problems and other causes from developing, see “The 10 Ways to Prevent ADHD and Autism“.
It is comforting to know that there are the simple, drug-free solutions to these complex disorders.
- Remove Irritants/ Toxins
- Restore Deficiencies
- Reduce Brain-Nerve Interference & Imbalance/Underdevelopment
- The research that shows that these treatments address the cause and are effective.
This is the way we DIAGNOSE the individual CAUSES in each person.
This allows for an individualized treatment protocol.
No two people are the same!
The diagnosis of the set of SYMPTOMS (like Autism, PSD, ADHD, Dyslexia) DOES NOT tell us what the cause is. Neither does it tell us what the treatment should look like.
(In the Neuro-Enrichment program, we do “assessments” and have “findings”, because it is not a medical approach.
THIS IS THE WAY WE Assess for the Individual Causes
◘ THOROUGH Developmental History (Pregnancy, Birth, Sensory stages, Motor stages, Diet, Stress, etc.)
◘ Functional Neurological tests (Sensory, Motor Strength & Coordination, Joint Motion, Primitive Reflexes, Eye Movement)
◘ Functional Lab Tests (see more about this) –
Here is greater detail about what exactly treatment looks like. That is, WHAT DOES THE TREATMENT LOOK LIKE WHEN YOU TREAT THE CAUSE? - THIS IS THE WAY WE Remove Irritants / Toxins and Restore Deficiencies
◘ Vitamins / Minerals
◘ Herbs
◘ Elimination Diets
◘ Breathing exercises
◘ Homeopathic Remedies
- THIS IS THE WAY WE Reduce Brain-Nerve Interference & Imbalance/Underdevelopment
◘ Sound ◘ Visuo-motor
◘ Vestibular ◘ Aromatherapy
◘ Aerobic Exer ◘ Light stim.
◘ Adjustments ◘ Tactile
◘ Posture / Core Stabilization exer.
◘ Primitive Reflex remediation
For more details on Brain Balancing, follow this link.
We incorporate all the most appropriate treatments for each individual.
Usually, we go through a course of treatment of 8-20 weeks more intensively
- Usually 2-3x per week of in-office treatments
- Reinforced by home therapy at least 1 time per day and nutritional supplementation at least 2 times per day.
Then, we re-evaluate. This is an exciting time to take some objective measurements to document the real changes.
- We find: 1 – Complete resolution. (This is uncommon.)
- Or: 2 – No change – (This is uncommon.)
- Or: 3 – Partial resolution – (This is expected and common after 12 weeks.)
Based on the findings and your goals, we come up with a plan for the next phase
For more information and pricing for Assessment and the Neuro-Enrichment program, please sign up in the form below for the complimentary DVD, or you can simply call us at (559) 635-8266. You will find it VERY informative and I am sure it will give you hope.
Here are the results of a study using a similar approach:
- Academic: Greater than 2 years in grade level performance improvement in all domains (on WIAT), except math reasoning.
- Behavioral: “81% were considered to no longer be demonstrating ADD/ADHD behaviors, based on the Brown Scale.” (Int J Adolesc Med Health. 2010 Apr-Jun;22(2):275-83. (PMID: 21061929) )
Other helpfu paperwork
The Top 10 Ways to Prevent ADHD & Autism – listed in chronological order
There is no ONE cause of ADHD or Autism. We do find strong correlations. This means that the potential cause, and the resulting condition are often (sometimes, very often) found in the same people. Please dont’ feel guilty. You did the best you could. The purpose of this is to give you the tools to help prevent this before it gets worse or help prevent it from happening to someone else.
Remember: It’s never too late to make positive changes that cang emake positive impacts on your future.
- Take a good prenatal vitamin
- Prenatal Nutrition – Mom’s who do not take prenatal vitamins before and the first month during pregnancy are more likely to have children who develop autism. (See the Research at PubMed 21610500.)
- Limit your exposure to pesticides & maximize your ability to detoxify from pesticide exposure. (Watch the Detoxification video.)
- Prenatal Toxicity – Mothers living within 500 meters of (the more highly-sprayed) pesticide-sprayed crops were 6 times
more likely to have children with autism than those not near pesticide-sprayed crops. (See the Research at PubMed 17938740.)
- Practice Mental Relaxation throughout your preganct and during the child’s early years.
- Stressful pregnancies and Traumatic births – Research shows a clear association (small, but significant) between mothers who had stressful life events during the child’s prenatal development and the likelihood of having ADHD and Autistic traits at 2 years of age. (See the Research at PubMed 2021833278.)
- Exercise Regularly and in Bursts
- Lack of Physical Exercise & Excess TV, & computer –A chemical necessary for proper brain connections is decreased in people with ADHD and increased with certain exercise (The chemical is called Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF.)). (See the research at Pubmed 21850535.)
- Avoid being Overfat or Obese – Fat is not simply a place extra calories are stored; it is an inflammatory organ that promotes irritation and immune reactivity throughout the body and brain.
- Be Involved, Interested, and Engaged with your child’s interests, responsibilities, and activities.
- Find and Remove Nervous System Interference (most importaantly in the spine) – Input from the core/postural nerve endings embedded in the muscles and joints along the spine form critical feedback centers the brain depends on the develop and maintain proper nervous system function.
- Avoid common irritants to nerve tissue – Packaged, preserved, processed, and fast foods.
- Lay the foundation of nutrition –
But why more cases; what is the cause? Why is there no good explanation or diagnostic test? These disorders are defined as neurobehavioral disorders. Most of the medical community and society in general think of these conditions in
relation to their behavioral components: ADHD – attention, Autism – communication & socialization, and Dyslexia – inability to read. If that remains our focus, solutions will continue to be elusive…
because these behavioral components are only the symptoms of the underlying condition.
These disorders are almost always seen with more than one of the following dysfunctions:
• Poor body awareness (spatial, proprioceptive)
• Sensory Processing Symptoms (Vision, Hearing, Touch, Smell, and Taste)
• Persistent Primitive Reflexes and Mixed hand, eye, foot, ear dominance
• Gastrointestinal problems & Poor Digestion; Food Sensitivities; Compromised Immune System
• Gross or Fine Motor Control problems; Poor Eye Coordination
• Poor Social Skills and Abnormal Emotional Reactions
• Academic and Cognitive Symptoms