I had been dealing with chronic headaches and migraines for a very long time and was running out of options. A friend at church suggested I see his chiropractor. When I completed my initial paperwork I said I was coming in for neck problems and not sleeping.
After about a month I had no neck problems and now I am able to sleep but I’ve gotten so much more. My stress has improved a lot, the pain in my arm is no longer there and my headaches are now gone. My whole mental outlook is great and I have lots of energy and strength. I sat up in bed and felt some pain on my back. I immediately lay on my side and did my mirror posture “one of the exercises I had been given” it worked right away. I am very satisfied with my excellent improvement.
My husbands work requires him to be away from home and when he heard my voice on the phone, he was able to recognize the difference and said I sounded so much better. I now look forward to my days and my undisturbed nights.