Finding the Solution for your
Headache, Neck Pain, & TMJ Dysfunction

We are accepting new patients. If we think we can help you, we will accept you as a patient and develop a personalized treatment plan that we will review with you. We welcome your call to set up a consultation and examination to find the cause of your headaches (or other symptom). Call 559-635-8266. Anna will be happy to help you find an available time.

For structural or neurological causes of your headache, it will require a thorough structural and neurological exam. The exam that you receive at by Dr. Hobbs will likely be the most thorough one that you have ever had.

If your problem is nutritional, this questionnaire (the Metabolic Assessment Form) can help begin identifying the root cause. From there, were can determine if specific functional lab testing would be helpful. We have a Nutrition web page to give you some more details. Drop it by our office, and we will analyze it for you.  Often this form makes it clear to us both that your problem is more than simply a pain in your head and that addressing ONLY the pain, is really covering up the real cause. We often perform functional lab testing to identify your exact causes.

Are you a candidate for Synergy’s Migraine treatment?

For a little encouragement, listen to the experience of one of our patients.

There’s lots of great information below that helps people and their doctors track down the problems and find the cause. You are welcome to browse through it all.

Are you a DIY kind-of-person, or you just want to see what MIGHT be going on?  This video will walk you through the most common causes…and several solutions you can try on your own.

  • Here’s the link to the FlowChart that I use in the video.

1) Find the Triggers: Structural (movement), Chemical, Mental
See the Trigger and Treatment Flow Chart below.
 2) Define the Problem (Symptoms): O, P, Q, R, S, T
See the Define the Problem table below.
3) If needed, Reassess the Triggers with more focus and address them.
– After you define the problem, you will be better able to assess the problem.
4) Professional Treatment
See the Trigger and Treatment Flow Chart below.

Trigger and Treatment Flow Chart – If you know what to look for and how to get started, why not do it? – (Research references are provided lower on the page.)

Trigger or CauseSimple  Answers Professional  Diagnosis
PostureAwareness Observation
Misalignment (Spinal, Bite) Mirror Posturing, Bracing X-Ray, (Carbon paper for bite)
Subluxaton Complex Chiropractic Adjustments Palpation, etc.
Physical Trauma Motion w/o much pain Palpation, Ortho exam, x-ray
Myofascial Adhesions Myofascial Release Palpation, History
Lack of Exercise/Movement Exercise History
Muscle Tension (d/t stress) Relax, Massage, Adjustments Palpation
(uncommon for
Neck pain &
Hormonal (Def. or Excess)Qlty Food, Supplements, DetoxFemale Hormones
Deficiency Inflammation Questionnaire
Dehydration Drink Water (~1/2 wt(lbs) in oz H2O) History (Sweat+DiureticDrink+H20)
 Low Blood Sugar Eat freq. & Low Glycemic (CD) Chemistry, HA1C, Gluc.Challenge
 Micro-Nutrients esp. Mg++ and EFA’s
Quality Food (CD),(site)
 Funct. Intracell. Analy
Triad Profile
 Toxicity  Standard Detox Prof.
 Irritants (i.e. Fumes) Avoid and Detoxification Tests for Toxins in body
 Allergies(Airborne and Food) Avoid, Neti Pot(air), & Build Immunity Food IgE, IgG, Air Allergy Test
 Infection (Cold, Flu, Sinus) Build Immunity, Herbs, Rx CBC (Complete Blood Ct)
WorkPurpose, Communication 
RelationshipsCommunication, Forgiveness
(5LoveLang, 10 Lessons, How2Win,
Habits, Mind)
Counselor, Psychologist
Financesmore Work/Education, less SpendingCredit Counselor
Worry / PerspectivePurpose, How to Stop WorryStress & Wellbeing Surv
(uncommon for
Infection(Brain / Spinal cord)PrayerMRI
Bleeding (Brain) 
TumorCT scan

efine the Problem table – Once you know the character of the problem you or
your doctor can more easily and accurately find the cause.

OnsetWhen did this problem begin?
Position / Palliative / ProvocativeWhere exactly is it, and What makes it better or worse?
QualityHow would you describe the sensation? – burning, sharp, tingly, numb, weak…
RadiationDoes the sensation go somewhere beyond the main area?
Site / SeverityHow bad is it (0=none to 10=worst imaginable)
TimingIs it better (or worse) at a given time of the day, week, month, year?
Associated SignsWhat other new or persistent problems or changes have you noticed?
InterventionWhat have you tried, and what were the results.

Medication Rebound –
Neck pain can be related to head and face pain –
Whiplash can be related to pain throughout the entire body. –
Migraine show increased risk of stroke. –
Long-term drug use only AFTER excluding other triggers –
Headache mgmt. should incl. exercise, rest, nutrition, and avoid triggers – –
Unnecessary medication –
Caffeine in medications can cause headaches:
Avoiding food allergies/sensitivities has helped as many as 85% of individuals studied:
Toxicity: Probable migraine with visual aura and risk of ischemic stroke –
Minerals:  Expert Rev Neurother. 2009 Mar;9(3):369-79.
Vitamins: Headache. 2004 Oct;44(9):885-90.
**AND Vit d deficiency — Headache. 2009 Sep;49(8):1214-22. Epub 2009 Jul 8.
Supplementation with omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in the management of recurrent migraines in adolescents.  EFAs: J Adolesc Health. 2002 Aug;31(2):154-61.
http://www.ncbi.nlm. – (Fish or Olive oil)
Blood sugar affects headache – Curr Pain Headache Rep. 2010 Aug;14(4):284-91.
Minerals(Magnesium):  Expert Rev Neurother. 2009 Mar;9(3):369-79.
Vitamins & Herbs: Headache. 2004 Oct;44(9):885-90.
**AND Vit d deficiency — Headache. 2009 Sep;49(8):1214-22. Epub 2009 Jul 8.
EFAs: J Adolesc Health. 2002 Aug;31(2):154-61. – (Fish or Olive oil)
Blood sugar affects headache – Curr Pain Headache Rep. 2010 Aug;14(4):284-91.
Neck Pain and Neck Weakness: Exercise: Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2010 Dec;91(12):1878-83.
AND  — Man Ther. 2004 Aug;9(3):125-33.
Posture/Ergo: J Headache Pain. 2010 Oct;11(5):409-15.
Stress: Pain. 1992 Jun;49(3):321-4. PMID: 1408297 (% taken from this citation) –
Effectiveness of high dose riboflavin in migraine prophylaxis. Neurology 1998;50:466-470. –
NEW!! The Effects of Magnesium, L-: Carnitine, and Concurrent Magnesium-L-: Carnitine Supplementation in Migraine Prophylaxis. Biol Trace Elem Res. 2012 Aug 17. [Epub ahead of print]
J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 1995 Mar-Apr;18(3):148-54
Diet restriction in migraine, based on IgG against foods: a clinical double-blind, randomised, cross-over trial.  Cephalalgia. 2010 Jul;30(7):829-37. Epub 2010 Mar 10..