Brain Puzzle

New Study Reveals Powerful Brain Improvements in Just 2 Years

     Two new pieces of research have recently come out about brain health. One involves statin medications, a class of drugs for cholesterol, and the other is about 2 years of addressing what you eat, drink, breathe, and how your think, move, and sleep. The study of over 1200 people over 2 years specifically took half…

Brain Puzzle

Physical Exercise for Your Brain Part 3: Best Brain Exercise

   Brain Health and Balance    “I want the best for my brain; what should I do to preserve brain health?”, you may ask.  Part 3: Best PHYSICAL Exercise for my Brain?: Enriched/Challenging environment exercise. Here’s the straight scoop.  This is what we know on Physical Exercise(1): Physical exercise on your free time helps your brain, a lot.…

Brain Puzzle

Physical Exercise for Your Brain Part 2: What’s the Minimum?

   Brain Health and Balance    “How little can I exercise and still preserve brain health?”, you may ask.  “Such exercise lowers your odds of getting the disease [Alzheimer’s] by more than 60 percent.” – –John Medina, author of Brain Rules “Leisure exercise” can cut the risk of dementia by  a whopping 50%. I know what you’re thinking “leisure” and…